Tape, magnetic
Tape, magnetic
Chinese American
Title: Wong Bao Chuan(Lucky Misical) Artists: Xin Ma Shi-Zeng as Xue Ping-Gui; Wi Jun-Li as Wong Bao Chuan; Shao Xin-Chuan as Prime Minister Wong; Xin Xing-Po as Ju Yi-Sheng and Mai Qiu-Nong as Princess Dai-Zhan\ Mon I Side 1 Cai Lou Ze Pei( Choosing Husband on the Delicate Tower) Side 2 a. Xi Peng Ji Zhang(Taking the Oath at Xi Pong) . b. Ping Gui Bie Yao(Ping-Gui Leaving the Kiln Ping) MonII Side 1 Hong Yan Chuan Shu( The Wild Goose Delivering the Letter) Side 2 a. Ping Gui Hui Yao( Ping-Gui Returing to the Kiln) b. Xi Weng Zhu Shou(Teasing the Father -in-law on the Birthday Reception)
Chinese American