



Presidential Inauguration, Washington D.C., Politics


A. An invitation to attend President John F. Kennedy's and Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson's inauguration in Washington D.C. The invitation to Wing Luke was extended by Edward H. Foley chairman of the inaugural committee. The invitation was printed on cream colored card stock and in black cursive font. At the head of the invitation there is a gold-colored. embossed seal for presidential inauguration. B. Program of activities for the inauguration. On one side there was the schedule of events. There were receptions a dance a concert a gala a parade a ball and the official inaugural ceremony. There was an entrance fee for some of the events. On the reverse side there were descriptions of each event and instructions for getting entrance tickets. C. Envelope that once contained the invitation. The envelope is addressed to the "Honorable Wing Luke" at 550 Mercer St Seattle WA and is from the inaugural committee in Washington D.C.


