News Article


News Article


Clipping measures 5 3/8 x 13 1/4" with a rectangular area of 3 1/2 x 6 1/2" cut from the lower right corner. The top line notes the source and date "Page 18 the Seattle Times Sunday May 23 1965." The article is entitled "Search for Luke Hampered as Weather Outlook Dims." It is located in one column and describes the serach effort a week after the plane a single engine cessna carrying Wing Luke Sidney Gerber and Kay Ladue disappeared. The article also notes the establishment of the Wing Luke Rescue Fund by the Chinese Community which had then reached more than $4000. To the right of this column is a photographic image of 3 people looking out over a forested valley with mountains in the background. The image is captioned "Jim Kurtz and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Watkinshaw Seattle Aided Lake Wenatchee-Area Search."


