A Handmade booklet of 13 pages. On the cover is Shijibu "division of times and dates". This geneology contains information about Lee You Lim's family members including birth dates and times of his ancestors as well as the locations and directions…
On brown paper envelope with invoices. A: Envelope From: Yee Gan & Co. Hong Kong to: Gom Hong & Co. B: Declaration of Shipper of Food and Drug Products from Canton China on September 21 1926. C: Records of items shipped to Gom Hong from China dated…
Envelope of Gom Hong Co. invoices and records. A: Envelope to Gom Hong Co. from: Yee Gan Hong Kong. B: Consuption Entry Form issued to Gom Hong by BR Anderson Custom House Brokers 202 - 4 Colman Building Seattle January 20 1927. C: List of grocery…
Translation from a Chinese record of an interview with a customs officer: Officer: What's your name? Answer: My name is Ru Sheng. Officer: How old are you? Answer: I am twelve years old. Officer: What is your last name? Answer: My last name is Eng.…