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Envelope and letters A: Envelope: From PAF Bellingham Wash. To: Mr Lee You The Cook House Port Gamble Wash. B: Letter to Li Rujiao "Rujiao my brother I received your letter and have learned the message. As for the business you mentioned I am not able…
Envelope and letter to Li Rujiao A: One western envelope with two green one cent stamps From P.A.F. So. Bellingham. To: Lee You the Cook House Port Gamble Wash. B: Letter: "Rujiao my brother I have arrived. The fish jobs have started. Although you…
Envelope and letter to Lee Yow A: Western envelope from: Wah Yuen Lung Kee 426 8th Ave. South Seattle Wash. USA To: Lee Yow Cook House Port Gamble Wash. Dated August 19 1912. B: Letter: "Lew Yow brother I received your message in regard to…
Letter to Lee Yaw (Li Yao; Li Rujiao) from Li Xian yong A: Envelope: Li Xian yong. Pacific Dry Goods Co. To: Lee Yaw Cook House Port Gamble Wash. B: Letter: On the letterhead is: "Pacific Coast Dry Goods Co. Manufacturers of Ladies Muslin Underwesr…
Envelope and letter Letter to Lee Yaw (Li Yao) from Liu Xian yong A: Envelope to: Lee Yao Cook House Port Gamble Wash. From: Pacific Coast Dry Goods Co. 1335 Third Ave. Seattle Wash. Dated August 19 1912 B: Letter: On Pacifc Coast Dry Good Co.…
Envelope and letter to Lee Yaw A: Envelope addressed to: Lee Yaw Cook House Port Gamble Wash. Dated August 29 1912 From: Pacific Coast Dry Goods 1335 Third Ave. Seattle Wash. USA. B: Letter: on Pacific Coast Dry Goods letterhead. "In response to your…
Two Envelopes and two letters A: Western envelope to Gom Hong Co. 709 King St. Seattle Wash. From: Wing Cheong Kut 135 Connaught Rd. Hong Kong China. B: Envelope to Mr. Li Jujiao from Li Juzhe Wing Cheong Kut Hong Kong. C: Letter: a list of measures…
Envelopes and letters A: Western envelope from: Woy Ying Yuen 66 Wing Lock St. Hong Kong China. To: Gom Hong Co. King St. Between 8 & 7th Seattle Wash. B: Chinese Envelope From: Li Rudun to: Li Rujiao C: Letter from Li Rudun to LiRujiao "Since I…
Cloth sheet In red and black ink in Chinese. The receipt was issued by Chee Kung Tong in Seattle. The cloth from top to bottom says: "Seattle Yixing Co. Golden Mountain Secret writings Ancestors of Hong Family This receipt proved that we have…
Receipt for a US Postal Money Order for $100.00. Issued in Ketchikan Alaska MOB
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