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Pamphlet for "The Fourth Steve Tatsukawa Memorial Award" presentation co-sponsored by the Steve Tatsukawa Memorial Fund and the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center. Los Angeles. 1988. Pamphlet for "The Steve Tatsukawa Memorial Fund"…


Flyer for the film "Troubled Paradise" about Hawai'i's indigenous people.


2001 Annual Report from Asian Americans / Pacific Islanders (AAPIP) in Philanthropy. San Francisco. 2005 pamphlet about the AAPIP "15 Years of Advancing Community and Philanthropy". San Francisco.


Folder from the National Japanese American Memorial Foundation (NJAMF) - which was advocating for the construction of a memorial to Japanese American soldiers to be built in Washington D.C. containing: Program for the "Pacific Northwest Kickoff"…


A typed program announcement dated to January 18 1978 from KCTS 9 about the airing of a television television drama "And the Soul Shall Dance" about the pre-World War II Japanese experience in America. Title: "Hollywood Television Theatre Deals with…


Filipino Lawyers of Washington Inaugural Barrio Fiesta. Held at the Filipino Community Center in Seattle. 2007.


Flyer: International Community Health Services (ICHS) "Report to the Community". Seattle. 2008. Pamphlet: "International Community Health Service's 35th Anniversary Gala Program Guide". International Commmunity Health Services Foundation. Seattle.…


Program for the Asian Counseling and Referral Service Benefit Dinner and Auction. Seattle. 2008.


Program for the 30th Anniversary Jazz Night Dinner & Auction for the Denise Louie Education Center. Seattle. 2008. 2007 International Community Health Services Annual Report. Seattle.


a-e: Five- 4 page flyers for Osann Lock Stitch Darning Machine 177-1 Sept 1934 Found in Quong Tuck Co Space. f: 1 page flyer for Singer Machine 47w120 April 1930.