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  • Collection: Archives


Commercial Linen Company flyer and order form for commercial coats, jackets, aprons, uniforms. 1920s


Flyer Political flyer for Hong Tran candidate for US Senate


Pink paper flyer Day of the Lotus Great Leap presentation of Music by Nobuko Miyamoto Dancer/mime Louise Kawabata Los Angeles


Blue Funel Line Flyer in English and Chinese Sailing Schedule Translation: Page 1: * Our company has 3 oceanliners, "Tantalus", "Ixion", and "Talthybius". * All ships are very sturdy and steady; even there are gales and huge waves, they still sail…


flyer Seattle's Fabulous Chinese Community Night


A & B: Colored Paper 8.5" X 11" folded in half lengthwise. Front has logo of the Chinese Historical Society of the Pacific Northwest; a carp and an orca in a Yin - Yang symbol. The title is in English and Chinese: " The Chinese Historical Society of…

Folder, File

Information on the proposed Japanese Heritage Historical Society

Folder, file

Information on other local historical societies and museums

food label

label for double yolk lotus moon cakes from 619 Gore Ave label shows a chicken with a long tail and a dragon and children playing at the bottom of the label scotch tape on both sides.

Frances Chin Ho

Oral History interview with Frances Chin Ho