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Archival Materials

Carbon copy two page letter by Dorthea Voss on Yuki Marie Katsumata.

Archives of Asian Art

Volumes: XX, 1966-1967; XXI, 1967-1968 Continues from the Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America

Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America

Volumes: XVI, 1962; XVII, 1963; XVIII, 1964 Continutes on to Archives of Asian Art

Areas Taboo To Japanese

U.S. Attorney General Francis Biddle announced areas from which enemy aliens were to stay clear, primarily dams and power plants, and the observance of a curfew that applied to all enemy aliens.


in Korean

Arlene Chinn

Chinn, Arlene.pdf
Oral History Interview with Arlene Chinn on her father Lew Kay

Arlene L. (Irene) Chinn

Oral history interview with Arlene L. Chinn


3 - wood double door armoires.