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Taiyo Girl's Group, at the Japanese Consul residence in Seattle.

Black and White photograph. Taiyo Girl's Group, at the Japanese Consul residence in Seattle. Taiyo was started by Bansan Okada (back row, far right), to occupy children through activities such as sports, Japanese language studies, and travel to…


Taiyo Kengakudan

Black and White photograph. Group portrait, Taiyo Kengakudan, dated 3/19/1939.

Faewell for Mr. Owada

Black and White photograph. Group portrait, banquet, Mr. Owada farewell party.

Thomas Japanese School graduation

Black and White photograph. Group portrait, Thomas Japanese School graduation, dated 4/1/1939.
Thomas Japanese School, Thomas, WA (between Auburn and Kent). Back row: seventh from left, Shoichiro Katsuno.

Web exhibition: #283

Northwest Japanese-American Society teacher recognition

Black and White photograph. Northwest Japanese-American Society teacher recognition, Japanese Chamber of Commerce, Nov. 3, 1940. First row: Second from right, Mrs. Kataoka, Japanese Language School teacher. Fourth from right, Principal Yoriaki…

Mokuyoo Kai

Black and White photograph. Mokuyoo Kai, women and men, some women in kimonos.

Web Exhibition: #285

Fuyo Kai group at the University of Washington

U.W. Fuyo Kai group at the Columns on the University of Washington campus, May 28, 1941. Fuyo Kai (Hibiscus Club) was a Japanese American student club for women, founded in 1922 in response to Japanese exclusion from the traditional sororities. First…


Japanese Buddhist Church preschool

Black and White photograph. Japanese Buddhist Church preschool, Jan. 16, 1941. Second row: Second from right, Robert Kanemoto; Louise Takahara Matsumoto. Third row: Far left, Miss Mori; behind her Mr. Fletcher (bus driver). Far right, KC Hoshide.


Black and White photograph. Shibai, traditional theatrical performance, location unknown. In traditional Japanese Noh and Kabuki theater, men play all the roles, including female characters. Front row, far left, Eikichi Okiyama; far right, Heiji…

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Black and White photograph.
Nippon Kan Theatre, many Filipino men in the audience