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Black and White Negative
Portrait, woman seated in kimono


Black and White Negative
Greenhouse, Kumasaka


Black and white image
Family portrait
Hirabayashi Family. Back row, third from right: Gordon Hirabayashi. Seattle native Gordon Hirabayashi was attending the University of Washington at the start of WWII. Gordon was one of the few Japanese…


Black and white image
Middle row: Fourth from right, Heiji Okuda; third from right, Sumio Arima.

Piano Lesson

Black and white image
Girl playing piano with woman standing beside her
Michiko Morita?


Black and white image
Wedding portrait with bride and groom's families


Black and white image
Group portrait, leaders of the Japanese community
Written on negative, July 29, 1938

Saga Ryu Ikebana (flower arranging) and tea ceremony group.

Black and white image Group portrait Written on negative, Women's flower arranging group Written on negative, "1938" Saga Ryu Ikebana (flower arranging) and tea ceremony group. Front row: Third from left, Kiyomi Otani, local tea ceremony and ikebana…

Formal opening ceremony for the new Seattle Buddhist Church

Black and white image Group portrait Formal opening ceremony for the new Seattle Buddhist Church at 1427 Main St., October 15, 1941. The building was designed by architect Pierce A. Harrocks with help from associate architect Allen Kichio "Anky" Arai…


Black and white image
Group portrait
Men and women in front of table
Written on negative, 4/11/1937

Web exhibition: #338