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Within the Silence

Emiko Yamada is a teenage girl growing up in Seattle's "Nihonmachi" (Japantown). For a "Nisei" (The child of immigrants from Japan) it is clear that there are certain parts of town and certain establishments were you are not allowed to go. The…

Within the Silence

Living voices program on the internment entitled "Within the Silence." Includes 2 articles: "Living Voices speaks of US camps in WWII" by Amy Wold "WWII Japanese internment comes as jolt to students" by Chastity Pratt

With roots of strength

Discusses the exhibition "Strength and Diversity: Japanese American Women 1885-1990"

With Honors Denied: A Young Girl's War, a Nation's Shame

Non-fiction story of Yukiko Kubo Shiogi, Japanese teenager who was imprisoned with her family after Pearl Harbor, thus missing her graduation with Fife, Washington class of 1942, but never losing faith in her nation or herself. In 2002 she and five…

Winnie Tuai

Oral history interview with Winnie Tuai

Winnie Tuai

Tuai, Winnie.pdf
Oral History Interview with Winnie Tuai