



Newspaper articles collected by Uhachi Tamesa regarding internment and the events of his son Min Tamesa one of the Heart Mountain internees put on trial for draft resistance. A: Heart Mountain Sentinel April 22 1944 regarding anti-Japanese sentiment of New Jersey farmers. Suspicious arson led to the dismissal of Japanese American internee farm laborers. B: Rocky Shimpo April 28 1944 Harold Ickes criticizes the Governor of New Jersey over his handling of the arson incident. C: Rocky Shimpo May 15 1944 52 Japanese American internees of the Heart Mountain camp were arrested for failure to report for selective service physical examinations. D: Heart Mountain Sentinel May 20 1944 additional 11 arrested at Heart Mountain. Indicted in Cheyenne WY. All pleaded not guilty. E: Rocky Shimpo June 14 1944 Harold Ickes speech on ending racial prejudice in the U.S. F: Rocky Shimpo June 21 1944 on George Fujii Arizona internment camp detainee found not guilty of distributing inflammatory literature protesting the draft. G: Rocky Shimpo June 28 1944 guilty verdict reached in trial of 63 Heart Mountain internees for draft evasion and receive 3 year sentences. H: Heart Mountain Sentinel July 1 1944 Internees attorney Watt files appeal questioning theit duty as citizens while in an internment camp. I: The Colorado Times July 27 1944 27 Tule Lake Internment camp draftees who did not report to their physical were brought to trial. The judge found for the defense and dismissed the charges. J: Rocky Shimpo August 9 1944 Japanese American cemetery in Portland OR has been left unattended after protests by veterans groups and is now victim of vandalism. K: Rocky Shimpo August 11 1944 report of the number of Japanese Americans from the camps in the service as of 8/5/44; 437 from 370 families. L: Rocky Shimpo August 11 1944 telling of President Roosevelt receiving a knife made from the bone of a dead Japanese soldier and his refusing to accept it. M: Rocky Shimpo August 16 1944 telling of President Roosevelt receiving a knife made from the bone of a dead Japanese soldier and his refusing to accept it. N: Heart Mountain Sentinel; regarding the proposal to remove the restrictions on the return of Japanese Americans to the West coast. Precautions against violence are the main concern of internees. O: Utah Nippo (?) December 12 1945 President Truman has rescinded the order that barred aliens from owning short-wave radios cameras and arms as well as freedom to travel. P: Colorado Times December 27 1945 Seven Heart Mountain draft resisters convictions overturned in Denver court Q: Utah Nippo March 8 1946 three articles in English about the Japanese American Citizens League convention in Denver. R: Rafu Shimpo May 9 1946 an article about "waji" apology. S: Rafu Shimpo May 13 1946 UP article in English on the scientists opposedto the atomic bombing of Japan. T: Utah Nippo May 20 1946 reprint of Utah Chronicle commentary on continuing racial discrimination in Utah. U: Rocky Shimpo May 21 1946 about three draft resisters from Tule Lake camp in federal court in San Francisco and 100 Poston internees on probation awaiting decision on their appeal. V: Rafu Shimpo June 10 1946 about 143 Japanese Peruvians interned in Crystal city Texas and now in Santa Fe unable to return to Peru and with no visa for entrance to the U.S. W: Rafu Shimpo June 14 1946 on money driven society and warning returnees to be on guard of people taking advantage of them. X: Rafu Shimpo June 18 1946 on war crimes trial in Japan. Tojo blames allies for transgreses. Y: Rocky Shimpo June 19 1946 Tokyo war crimes trial Tojo says US & Britain should share blame for WW II. Z: Rafu Shimpo June 20 1946 Buddhist lecture on quality of life humanity and ethics vs. money and greed centered thinking. AA: Rafu Shimpo June 22 1946 appellate court in San Francisco hearing on 100 Poston internee defendants acused of draft evasion. BB: Rocky Shimpo June 22 1946 on agricultural reform in occupied Japan. CC: Rafu Shimpo June 24 1946 essay on meaning of "YU" and meaning of sharing. DD: Utah Nippo July 22 1946 by Mr. Takeshita and the 442nd being inspected by President Truman in Washington DC.


