



Newspapers collected by Uhachi Tamesa regarding internment and the events of his son Min Tamesa one of the Heart Mountain internees put on trial for draft resistance. Heart Mountain Sentinal A: January 22 1944 One page with an article saying that all youths who have passed their physicals are expected to report to their local draft boards. B: March 25 1944 76 youths were ordered to report to Warren for military induction physical and a warrent was issued for 12 who did not report. 28 Japanese American soldiers at Ft. McClellan AL were in confinement for refusing to undergo military training. C: April 22 1944 sixty three Heart Mountain internees were found guilty of failing to report for pre-induction physicals for military service and sentenced to three years in prison. D: June 17 1944 three pages stapled together articles on arrival of transferees on the beginning of the trial of draft resisters and on the exploits of 100th battalion and 442nd infantry. E: June 17 1944 one page with articles on arrival of transferees on the beginning of the trial of draft resisters and on the exploits of 100th battalion and 442nd infantry. F: August 12 1944 on the front page are articles on letter writing campaign to WRA to let internees return; 31 enter military bringing total to 500; 6 arrested for failure to report for physicals. G: April 28 1945 articles on 442nd returnees and resettlement social activities anti-Japanese activity in Seattle. H: April 28 1945 articles on 442nd returnees and resettlement social activities anti-Japanese activity in Seattle. I: June 9 1945 General Mark clark parised 442nd and 100th infantry battalion; Minoru Tamesa was sentenced to three years of labor in cheyenne District Court. His appeal was denied. His lawyer said Tamesa swore loyalty to the US but protested forced military evacuation. J: No date miscellaneous articles. K : April 28 1945 page 3 same as H.


