Wooden disk dome-shaped lacqered black with twin reinforcing ribs on convex wide; two handles one U-shaped fitted into ribs at apex of dome one rectangular (crossbar is actually round-overall shape is rectangular) attached to ribs with copper pin. Ribs are crscent shaped attached to disk at ends by copper pins through protective iron shoes. Rectangular handle is approximately 6 1/4" from outer edge of disk. Edge of disk is a protective sheath of rattan (?) split attached and lacquered. Outer ring is pattern of three bars (at 12 2 4 6 3 and 10'o clock ) separated by three clusters of four diamonds each. Twin bands separate that from sunburst design of 23 foil rays which originate 2" from disk center. Centeris marked by five triangular foil inserts. Note: Collected in Laos 1962-1964