Crossbow of particularly dark dense hardwoods with arms 5/8" thick (max.) and stock 3/4" thick ( max.). Arms are 1 1/2" high (frontal view). Tapering to 1" near ends where they are carved ro smaller tangs to accept bow loops. Stock tapers (in curved lines on bottom straight on top) for max. Height of 2" to 1 1/8" at narrowest point and back up to 1 1/4" at butt. Top of stock is grooved approximately 1/8" deep for 7 1/4" from fromt to accept dart. Trigger missing from its receptacle. Bowstringis 31" long made of twisted fibros material. Apparently spliced and braided at ends to form loops. The loops and center of bowstring are reinforced with (rattan?) wrapping. There is an additional small loop of fibrous material on one end of bowstring; its functionis unknown.