Wooden disk dome-shaped lacuqered with twin tapered reinforcing ribs on convex side; two handles one U-shaped fitted into ribs at apex of dome to ribs with copper pin. Latter handle is approximately 5 3/4" from outer edge of disk. Reinforcing ribs are crescent-shaped attached to disk at ends by wooden pegs through protective iron shoes. Edge of disk is same as # asis rim guard and twin rattan (?) bands. Comcave surface is decorated with outer circle of three metal foil stripes (at 12 2 4 6 8 and 10 o'clock) separated by two clusters of four diamonds each. Twin bands separate that from sunburst design of 23 foil rays which originate 1 34/" from center. Note: U-shaped handle features a length of ordinary cotton string. Collected in Laos 1962- 1964