



Balinese dance/drama mask possibly the character "Rangda" also known as "Dewa Durga" but more likely one of "Randa's" servants or subsidiary witches. A carved wooden mask painted black with white detailing lines gold eyebrows bulging white eyes with yellow and black surrounding circules red mouth with large white teeth four fangs protruding from the corners of the mouth. Three white tusks or horns protruding from the center of the forehead a long tongue (about 18") of paper painted gold with flamelike cut out edges three inset mirrors (about 1" in diameter). [One of the three mirrors is missing] backed by several layers of stiffened red cotton fabric. The right ear is painted black with gold and white detailing and in the lobe is a large wooden plugpainted red with gold detailing. [The left ear is missing]. The mask is attached to a paper skul cap which is edged and partially lined with black cotton fabric. To the skull cap is attached awig made of horse hair inserted through 19 braided cords. On top of the skull cap are several other braided caords to which horse hair is knotted. On top of the skull cap there is also a red dyed stiff paper cut out in a flame-like pattern.


