Takenoko - Gasa (Umbrella Hat) This large hat is curved on top ond curves down on the edges. The outer layer is made of the protective sheathing which surrounds bamboo shoots. The collected fresh sheathing sections are flattened under weighted boards to create sheaths which are overlapped and radiate from the center of the hat. Coils of thin round bamboo is layed over the top and stiched in place with yellow cotton thread. The sheathing is folded around the lower rim. At the top center are two layers of thin bamboo which are woven in spoke like fashion att he center and around the edges of the spoke is a wine colored fabric. Around the outside of the spokes densely coiled bamboo is stiched in place wih green silk thread. On the inside black and wine colored cotton has been pieced and stiffened and layed against the sheathing. On top of the fabric are black painted bamboo staves which create a framework. The yellow stiching which holds the sheathing on the outside can be seen on the inside over the staves and fabric. A wrapped coil of straw with two twisted loops are tied to the inner frame and act as a fitting for the head