Patent medicine


Patent medicine


1997.43.20A A hardboard box(H:1.81" W: 1.89" L: 5.12) which is made as a container for 1997.43.20B. Now the condition of the box is fair. The upper face is disappeared and there are several tears around upper part of the box. 1997.43.20B A glass bottle(L: 1.77" W:1" H:4.92") with red cap and dark brown oil. The bottle is in excellent condition. This bottle has a cork but some part of it becomes powder. This "true red flower oil" is made from Singapore and for the treatment of heartache stomachache headache illness after childbirth cold boneache rheumatism paraplegic dropsy and any other cut or sores. It can be taken by spreading it on ache areas or drinking it.


