Patent medicine set


Patent medicine set


1997.43.21A A hardboard box (L: 3.15" W: 3.15" H:1.97"). The outer surface of the box is wrapped by a golden orange paper and the inner box is wrapped by red paper. On the outer surface of the box there are two red labels. The larger one is about the business of the store which is making any kinds of wax pills; the smaller one is the name of the wax pills. The box has a broken closure which is a white bone tab slides into a paper loop. On the bone tab there is a small hole to insert a paper loop. 1997.43.21B This is a paper insert which has four holes for four wax pills. There is red paper adhereds to the hardboard fram of the insert. There are some white residues around the holes that come from wax pills. 1997.43.21C~F Four the same prescription sheets (L:11.22" W:7.8"). One of them(1997.43.21E) is torn a little. They are printed in red color. The description has the brand of the store the usage of the pills and teh locations of the store. 1997.43.21G~J Four wax pills(D:1.38"). Each pill has a yellow wax shell and there is white powder all over the shell. inside the shell is a black pill with a golden square stamp on it. There is also a stamp on the surface of the wax shells. One wax pill is broken into four pieces. The medicine is a panacea. People can take it whether they have any illness or not. It can be taken by directly holding it in the mouth or decoct it with longan aril kaki and Chinese jujube.


