Patent medicine


Patent medicine


1997.43.123A~C Three the same green glass bottles (H:9.53" W:2.68"). Each bottle has three labels adhered to it. Those labels are broken and have tears. The label of blue print is patent trade mark statement; the red label is brand mark; the white label is directions. Those bottles are teh containers of liquid medicine. Brand of the drug store: Wing Lee Wai Locations:Tientsin and Hong Kong Usage and Functions: Internal: 3 times a day. Take one spoon medicine with one cup of boiled water each time. It can cure fatigue and diarrhea. External: Heating the liquid medicine by put the bottle in boiling water. Rub wounded areas with the hot liquid. It can cure contusion wound with ecchymosis and bone or muscle illness cause by wind adn dampness etc.. 1997.43.123D The same liquid medicine as 1997.43.123A~C but the bottle is shorter (H:9" W:6.2")and color is darker. The directions becomes two white labels instead of one white label as 1997.43.123A~C. 1997.43.123E A brown glass bottle(H:9" W:6.2"). There are embossed characters on the bottle which show the same brand and locations as 1997.43.123A~D. There is a tape adhered onthe bottle "Due From CumBERLANDBC."


