Patent medicine


Patent medicine


A rectangular metal box. the box is tarnish with rusts and there are many scratches yellow glue residues and some red residues. There is a label adhered to the box. Inside the box are many small brown pills and there is a thin brown paper layer around the inner walls. The label is printed in red and on the label there are black handwriting characters: December 5. According to the label the medicine is pills of Six Drugs with Rehmannia (Liu wei Dihuang Wan). The six ingredients are Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata Fructus Corni Rhizoma Dioscoreae Rhizoma Alismatis Poria Cortex Moutan Radicis. The medicine is used to replenish vital essence of both the liver and the kidney for the treatment of its deficiency in chronic diseases with symptoms of asthenic fire such as dizziness tinnitus sore throat tidal fever nocturnal emission etc.


