Letter in Chinese on parchment paper to Shihuo from his nephew. "It has been six years since uncle was forced by your mother to wonder the southern land. Now we have no chance to get together. Besides you will enrich your intelligence and knowledge…
On brown paper envelope with invoices. A: Envelope From: Yee Gan & Co. Hong Kong to: Gom Hong & Co. B: Declaration of Shipper of Food and Drug Products from Canton China on September 21 1926. C: Records of items shipped to Gom Hong from China dated…
Envelope of Gom Hong Co. invoices and records. A: Envelope to Gom Hong Co. from: Yee Gan Hong Kong. B: Consuption Entry Form issued to Gom Hong by BR Anderson Custom House Brokers 202 - 4 Colman Building Seattle January 20 1927. C: List of grocery…
Letter to Shangsong Gom Hong Co. from Yao yun Wu (Eng) in Hong Kong "Greetings to who opens the letter The Tobacco (or opium ?) was not able to be delievered by the same ship due to the funeral of the British Queen. There was a holiday so we could…
Letter to Father-in-law of (Shanglian Wu Eng?) " Great Father-in-Law I report respectfully in front of you: It has been more than one year since I stopped seeing your kindly face. I take delight in knowing that you are blessed with health and peace…
Chinese envelope and letter to Shanglian Wu (Eng) "Shanglian my brother Your wife asked me to inform you that it ha been years since you traveled afar to a foreign country. The money you sent home could not meet the need so they borrowed about three…
Envelope and Two letters to Shanglian Wu (Eng) B: from his son Hongxin. "Shanglian My Father We received ten US dollars you sent in the twelfth month and have used it because we have various household expenses and things are highly expensive. My…
Envelope and two letters. A: Chinese envelope addressed to Shanglian Wu (Eng) B: Letter to Shanglian Wu from his wife. "Words offered up to Shanglian my worthy husband for examination. Greetings! We have received the money you sent home earlier.…